Using Essential Oils for TMJ, TMJD, Bruxism, Migraines and TMD: Does It Work?

I started this blog because it's been so hard for me to find trustworthy information about what actually helps with tmj, tmjd, migraines, etc. It's such a widely known disorder, but it's certainly not widely understood. 

Searching for information often means vetting all kinds of products. Especially for those of us whose condition is acute and we're desperate to try anything that might make a difference.

By trying things myself, I might find relief and I can feel like I'm helping other sufferers by vetting various treatments. In fact, I'm currently working on a rating system that shows whether or not something helps considerably, a little bit or not at all.

One thing I haven't tried consistently yet is essential oils....
My friend Lydia gave me a roller a few years ago and I liked it a lot, but I didn't apply it regularly. I used to take peppermint oil to work when I was a digital puppeteer. Something about smelling it while I was working kept me feeling very awake. I also bought lavender oil once to add to my mascara and the coconut oil I used on my face at night thanks to a blog recommendation, but that's the beginning and end of my experience with essential oils. Until today.

My husband and I headed to the Winter Garden Farmer's Market to get produce for juicing. (Another one of my TMD adventures!) When I saw a booth that advertised essential oil for treating TMJD, I made a b-line for it. (I'm making a b-line for anything that might help nowadays.) It's called Nature's Wisdom.

I had a really long chat with the owner, Susan Miller. She was patient and kind to me, because I'm certain I was coming across as an over-eager weirdo. She even gave me a sample of the oil she recommends and taught me how to apply it. She talked about the science of smell, the different ways the brain can be stimulated and how that relates to stress and pain, etc. (I'd love to have her on for an interview sometime. Her pamphlet also contains a lot of helpful information and philosophy.)

I'm going to start using the oil she gave me by applying it as directed once or twice a day, every day, for at least six weeks. I'll report in every one or two weeks about how it's going, just as I'm doing with juicing, botox and other services and products.

In the meantime, here are some articles about the use of essential oils that are situated from a scientific perspective. 


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