
On this page, you'll find a list of symptoms, treatments and access to a guide about the 10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was Diagnosed. I'm working on turning everything into lovely graphics. In the meantime, I hope you find this information helpful


If you suspect you might have TMD, pay attention to any of these symptoms. Make an appointment with your dentist or family practitioner immediately:

  • Muscle Fluttering and muscle spasms in one or both ears
  • Hearing the sound of your heartbeat very loudly in one or both ears
  • Dull or Sharp Pain and aching at the jaw joint
  • Dull or Sharp Pain while chewing or speaking
  • Avoiding things like gum or candy (even though you want it) because chewing hurts
  • Frequent headaches
  • Frequent Migraine headaches
  • Mild Dizziness to Severe Vertigo
  • Teeth Chattering on one or both sides of your mouth
  • Dull or Sharp Pain in the neck and shoulders
  • Mumbling while speaking because it hurts to open your mouth wide
  • Frustration if someone asks you to repeat yourself (because speaking hurts)
  • Extreme pains in the jaw, neck or shoulders upon waking in the morning
  • Hearing the sound of crunching or cracking in your ears when you speak
  • Feeling the pressure change frequently in your ears even if you aren't changing altitude
  • Feeling the need to "crack" your eardrums open, like you would during a plane flight
  • Pain or pressure in one or both eyes
  • Aching in the jaw joints during bad weather (indicator of arthritis in the joint)
  • Frequent nightmares about your mouth, teeth, neck or skull (which could also just mean you're a weirdo)


  • Juicing
  • Botox
  • CranioFacial Massage
  • Essential Oils
  • Chiropractic Adjustments
  • Traditional Prescription Medications
  • Over the Counter Medications
  • Occlusal Splints
  • Soft Diet
  • Heat and Ice
  • Epsom Salt Baths
  • Tony Robbins Techniques


I wrote a handy ten point guide that serves as combination pep talk/practical advice. It's exactly what I needed to hear after I was diagnosed. And it's free! 

All I ask is that you subscribe to my mailing list. I feel like everybody says this nowadays, but I almost never send out emails. That's the truth. In fact, I haven't even sent out one yet and I started last December. You're safe with me, I promise. 

Subscribe To the Mailing List

You'll get the guide via email and then probably not another email for at least a month or two. (Maybe longer.) I work full-time as a writer, so I'm only doing this to help my fellow sufferers, not to get your money.

I started this website as a labor of love (with no investments or backing) because I want to provide help for people like myself who really needed a resource.


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