I'm Trying the Tony Robbins 10 Day Pure Energy Challenge - Day 1
Today marks day one of my 10 Day Pure Energy Challenge! Last night, I studied the web page extensively and took my own notes.
I fully admit, I'm hooked on stuff like this. Last fall I did Dr. Hyman's 10 Day Sugar Detox and I loved it. I wasn't health blogging at the time, so I didn't record my progress. But I thought it might be cool this time.
I was just thinking to myself two days ago how I'd like to do something like the sugar detox, but I wanted something that went more in depth. Well, I'm signed up to Tony Robbins email list, and literally the next day, this arrived. And oh yeah, it's free.
They just give you the information about how to do it and you do it. (What's even weirder is that my husband and I had been talking about how much we want to hike Hawaii and we've been making references to mountaintops and valleys and the icon for this challenge (as you can see above) is someone standing on a mountaintop in what appears to be Hawaii. So that was an interesting bit of synchronicity.
I think if you're suffering with any kind of chronic illness, you can go in one of two directions. You either give up and give in to the depression, therefore getting worse. OR, you can turn into kind of a health nut. I have so much I want to do with my life, so I'm going the way of the health nut. (Though to be fair, I've been vegan for a few years now and I've been juicing since 2009-ish. So again...I love this stuff.)
Also, not to be a mondo dorko (too late just for saying that) but I'm kind of a big fangirl in my day-to-day life. I made a confession on my personal instagram last night that I usually cosplay dudes because I don't feel pretty enough to dress up as the characters I really want to dress as. (Leia, Vespa, Zoe Washburn, etc.)
So my goal this year is to be in the best shape of my life by Megacon 2017 because I committed to copslaying Marion Ravenwood from the Well of Souls. I know I'm probably overwhelming you guys with my geek energy here on my health blog, so I'll shut up about that now!
I'll specifically be looking to track how the 10 Day Energy Challenge helps my TMD. After my last round of botox, I feel like maybe I've hit a ceiling on how much it can help me. For real, it's been a huge life-changer, but my desire is to come as close to fully healed as I can. I'm not sure if that's possible since the cartilage is gone on the left side of my jaw, but I'm willing to try.
1. So far today, I've had a peach smoothie. (Just coconut milk and frozen peaches.) I made sure to have it on an empty stomach, as they suggest that's the best way to consume fruit.
2. I usually have two to three cups of coffee a day and they recommend you either stop or drastically reduce your acid intake. So today I made myself a teensy cup of espresso. It still packs a major punch and I'd like to be off caffeine by the end of this, but I know myself well enough to know I need to scale down instead of going cold turkey.
3. I've already had a liter of water. (I'm supposed to drink two and one quarters-worth.)
4. I've tried my first of three "power breathing" sessions and could only do six breaths out of ten! That was way more challenging than I expected, but I also loved it.
5. When I'm done blogging here, I'm going to do the ten minutes of flooding yourself with positive memories and future visions.
I fully admit, I'm hooked on stuff like this. Last fall I did Dr. Hyman's 10 Day Sugar Detox and I loved it. I wasn't health blogging at the time, so I didn't record my progress. But I thought it might be cool this time.
I was just thinking to myself two days ago how I'd like to do something like the sugar detox, but I wanted something that went more in depth. Well, I'm signed up to Tony Robbins email list, and literally the next day, this arrived. And oh yeah, it's free.
They just give you the information about how to do it and you do it. (What's even weirder is that my husband and I had been talking about how much we want to hike Hawaii and we've been making references to mountaintops and valleys and the icon for this challenge (as you can see above) is someone standing on a mountaintop in what appears to be Hawaii. So that was an interesting bit of synchronicity.
I think if you're suffering with any kind of chronic illness, you can go in one of two directions. You either give up and give in to the depression, therefore getting worse. OR, you can turn into kind of a health nut. I have so much I want to do with my life, so I'm going the way of the health nut. (Though to be fair, I've been vegan for a few years now and I've been juicing since 2009-ish. So again...I love this stuff.)
Also, not to be a mondo dorko (too late just for saying that) but I'm kind of a big fangirl in my day-to-day life. I made a confession on my personal instagram last night that I usually cosplay dudes because I don't feel pretty enough to dress up as the characters I really want to dress as. (Leia, Vespa, Zoe Washburn, etc.)
So my goal this year is to be in the best shape of my life by Megacon 2017 because I committed to copslaying Marion Ravenwood from the Well of Souls. I know I'm probably overwhelming you guys with my geek energy here on my health blog, so I'll shut up about that now!
I'll specifically be looking to track how the 10 Day Energy Challenge helps my TMD. After my last round of botox, I feel like maybe I've hit a ceiling on how much it can help me. For real, it's been a huge life-changer, but my desire is to come as close to fully healed as I can. I'm not sure if that's possible since the cartilage is gone on the left side of my jaw, but I'm willing to try.
1. So far today, I've had a peach smoothie. (Just coconut milk and frozen peaches.) I made sure to have it on an empty stomach, as they suggest that's the best way to consume fruit.
2. I usually have two to three cups of coffee a day and they recommend you either stop or drastically reduce your acid intake. So today I made myself a teensy cup of espresso. It still packs a major punch and I'd like to be off caffeine by the end of this, but I know myself well enough to know I need to scale down instead of going cold turkey.
3. I've already had a liter of water. (I'm supposed to drink two and one quarters-worth.)
4. I've tried my first of three "power breathing" sessions and could only do six breaths out of ten! That was way more challenging than I expected, but I also loved it.
5. When I'm done blogging here, I'm going to do the ten minutes of flooding yourself with positive memories and future visions.
Has anyone else suffering from TMD or Migraines tried this or something like it? How did it go for you?
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