I'm on Hello Giggles Talking about TMJ

My TMD is such a huge part of my life that I allowed myself to wax philosophical about it for Hello Giggles.
You can read the article here. It's equal parts women's health and TMD. I've mentioned this before, but the goal of this website is to prevent at least one human from going through what I've gone through with my TMD becoming acute. If I can do that, mission accomplished. Honest.
I also want to take a quick second to talk about the idea of "finding a cure". Another reason why I started TMDsupport.com is because I followed so many false leads promising cures for TMJ, TMJD, Migraines, Bruxism, etc. It was intensely frustrating.
The websites and Twitter accounts that promised cures were always associated with a specific product and trying to sort what's fact from fiction when it comes to treating TMD right now can be an infuriating process. The best I've been able to do is cope with bouts and try to prevent them. Sometimes to great success, other times not so much. Unfortunately, it's been a real journey. (Right now I'm in the not-so-much category as the left side of my face is still swollen and in terrible pain. I'm headed back to my specialist on Feb. 8th to find out why my last round of botox didn't work as usual.)
That's why I was so excited yesterday when:
A. The actress Sophia Bush tweeted my article, giving it a lot of traction, and...
B. I found a dentist who suffers with Bruxism online and she has agreed to doing an interview for TMDsupport.com about what it really means to manage TMD.
You can expect it sometime next week. I can't wait to hear what she has to say!
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